There are currently a multitude of different standards and regulations to address the urgent need to secure our connected world, yet it's time to create a unified global conformance assessment.
The 2020 Penetration Risk Report also says cloud environments are most vulnerable to two types of attacks and medium-sized enterprises are the slowest to improve network security.
As some U.S. states relax their shelter-in rules, businesses prepare for a slow recovery due to the uncertainty of COVID-19’s almost certain resurgence. The questions arise for those physical businesses in need of unarmed or armed guards: what precautions are to be taken by guards, and what kind of interaction is there going to be with their customers?
We talk to David “moose” Wolpoff, Chief Technology Officer (CTO) and co-founder of Randori, about Black Hats’ processes for finding and exploiting weaknesses in software.
As businesses and schools seek to bring people back to brick and mortar establishments, it’s going to be important to make customers, students and teachers feel comfortable, in addition to simply following guidelines. Customers are going to have to feel that it’s worth going out, versus shopping on-line. For retailers, that comfort might in part be derived from visible occupancy monitoring efforts and automated voice-down messages when people aren’t wearing masks or keeping their distance.
In late February 2020, news broke in the United States that the once faraway threat of a “novel coronavirus” had spread to U.S. soil. As COVID-19 case numbers in major cities grew, stay-at-home orders were put in place, businesses closed, restaurants shifted to take-out only, and retailers adopted curbside service. All of this took place to slow the spread of COVID-19. Meanwhile, however, hospitals remained open — accepting new patients at the direction of the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and working diligently to adhere to new safety guidelines. During virus, or any pandemic outbreaks, we are acutely reminded of our essential frontline healthcare workers, the critical need to enhance their overall safety, security, and to be as efficient as possible when communicating vital information.
The coronavirus pandemic has triggered an unprecedented chain reaction of border closures around the world. This truly is an extraordinary situation, and many countries have also grappled with lack of information, resources and coordination between relevant agents and authorities. These operational issues have raised questions globally about whether border controls are effective in containing such outbreaks, how prepared border agencies were for the emergency and what this will mean for border management in a post-pandemic world.
A thought-leadership report from Raines International and The Lake Forest Group finds that nearly all CSOs they interviewed have had to take on COVID-related response in their organizations. The report also examines the changing role of the CSO in a post-COVID world.
NCS4 is planning its 2020 National Sports Safety and Security Conference for October 12-14, 2020. The virtual event is themed around "The Way Forward" and will include a number of panels and discussions around COVID-19, venue and event management and returning to play and operations safely.
If you've done your job correctly, you will never ask "now what?" when a cyberattack occurs, because you'll already have an incident response plan in place that prescribes exactly what you need to do.