Online dating app Heyyo left a server exposed on the internet without a password, disclosing the personal details, images, location data, phone numbers and dating preferences for nearly 72,000 users, believed to be the app's entire userbase.
Facebook has suspended "tens of thousands" of apps connected to the platform after they were suspected of collecting large amounts of data, according to a news report.
Mission 500, a non-profit charity supported by the security industry and dedicated to serving the needs of children and communities in crisis across the United States, announced that it raised $41,000 at its fifth annual Security Softball Game.
As president and CEO of Des Moines-based security consultancy The Conley Group, Tom Conley has seen firsthand the consequences of inadequate training among security officers.
The Pasco County school district in Tampa, Fla. is adding $840,000 in new surveillance cameras to campuses over two years, as part of an effort to enhance student and employee safety.
The Jewelers’ Security Alliance (JSA) has released its 2018 Annual Crime Report, which showed that dollar losses from crimes against U.S. jewelry firms decreased by 25.9% from 2017 to 2018, hitting record lows.
Pflugerville, Texas Independent School District will be replacing 1,100 cameras district-wide with funds from its 2018 bond for security features and equipment upgrades.
U.S. Senators David Perdue (R-GA) and Doug Jones (D-AL) introduced the School Safety Clearinghouse Act, which would establish a federally-funded and housed information clearinghouse detailing best practices for school security and design.