Determining which tools to use in the event of an emergency lockdown can play a huge role in the outcome of a violent situation. When deciding which tools suit their organization, security leaders should have these questions in mind.
As Chief Information Officer at Deep Instinct, Carl Froggett will play a key role in enhancing the company's enterprise security and cybersecurity posture.
The risk assessment process shouldn't be dreaded. Get ready to breathe easier with six steps to move toward a smoother risk assessment process and much tighter security.
While businesses have taken risk management into the digital age, morphing governance, risk and compliance into digital risk management (DRM), many organizations missed one vital component of DRM —
namely, compliance as a code.
When it comes to compliance and data privacy, ignorance is not bliss. Today’s businesses must be aware of the regulations that govern them or risk incurring significant, potentially crippling penalties.
As Senior Vice President, Chief Information Security Officer at Accolade, Kelli Burns will lead the information security business unit and support the overall compliance and risk management function.
How can automated verification and service assurance solutions help to ensure the integrity of a physical security system and allow organizations to move from a reactive security approach to an efficient, proactive approach to physical security?
In the face of this complex landscape, there are three main areas where risk managers in financial services should focus to continue to evolve their preparedness and response to cybersecurity threats.