A report from the Massachusetts AFL-CIO and the Massachusetts Coalition for Occupation Safety and Health, 58 works across the state were killed on the job in 2011, CBS News reports.

In addition, the report, Dying for Work in Massachusetts: The Loss of Life and Limb in Massachusetts Workplaces, estimates 580 workers died in Massachusetts from occupational diseases and 1,800 workers were diagnosed with cancers caused by workplace exposures during 2011. 

The 58 fatalities does include 10 firefighters who died from work-related cancer and heart disease, CBS reports.

Falls caused more than a fifth (12) of all occupational fatalities in Massachusetts in 2011, and five of those falls were in the construction industry.

Motor vehicle accidents accounted for 12 additional fatalities. Half of those accidents involved a truck or auto crash; in the other six, a worker was stuck or crushed by a vehicle.

Workplace violence was also blamed for the deaths of six workers. An example given by AFL-CIO is the death of Stephanie M. Moulton, 25, an assistant manager at a North Suffolk Mental Health residential home, who was abducted and killed by a client while at work on January 20, 2011.