“Water is the most precious resource in the world. You can live without food for a while, you can live without electricity, you can live without transportation, you can live without internet (despite what my kids say), but you cannot live without clean water. And that’s what makes my position so challenging,” says Scott Starkey, Security Manager for Birmingham Water Works.
Sixteen years ago Mark Theisen was hired at Thrivent Financial as manager of safety and security. Today, it’s home, one that he says matches his personal values.
Security organizations both in the private and public sectors have made considerable progress in gaining stature. More and more senior security executives truly have a seat at the table today as a respected member of the C-suite. Many security executives regularly interface with the Board of Directors and maintain excellent relationships with board members. Security organizations still have a lot of room for improvement.
Without question a realistic and self-aware approach is of tremendous value in everything from resume and personal brand development to interviews and successful onboarding in a new role.
Complexity is not our friend. It is the enemy of execution. However, where there is complexity there is also opportunity for technology and service providers who understand the complexity, embrace it and reduce its impact on their client’s organization.
The Certified Protection Officer (CPO) program and Certified in Security Supervision and Management (CSSM) certifications through IFPO will translate into direct course credit that can be applied toward an associate’s or bachelor’s degree in criminal justice at Kaplan University.
U.S. businesses affected by employee theft lost an average of $1.13 million in 2016. Small and midsize businesses accounted for 68 percent of cases, and their median loss last year was $289,864.
The annual information-sharing event will take place in Arlington, VA, instead of at the State Department. The dates for the event, November 14-16, have not changed.
We are entering a period of time when we are going to see an uptick in the number of security threats, both physical and in cyberspace. There is an increasing global unrest. Over the past few months what we’ve seen electorally, in the U.S., but also in Europe and in other parts of the world, has been a manifestation of that.
Bike thefts, drug abuse, assaults and other violent crimes, protest-counterprotest melees, and cyber hackers are crowding onto the ever-expanding plates of college and university police and security forces. But those in the field say they’re up to those myriad challenges thanks to the combination of equipment, technology and training they can bring to bear.