Some hotel chains are no longer allowing the signs, in response to security concerns about rooms being unchecked for several days, which can potentially expose a hotel to security risks.
In last month’s column I took you though the research process in preparing for the interviews of executives and other key functional leaders in the enterprise. Now that you are ready to start conducting interviews, it is important to have a core list of key questions that you will ask each interviewee, along with specific questions unique to their role or function.
Aside from your good name, what should you bring with you to your new employer? In today’s climate, the answer is adamantly not someone else’s intellectual property.
Here are some of the “front of mind” issues that senior security executives and the vendor ecosystem (consultants, integrators and technology providers) are wrestling with.
How difficult is it for a computer (or a complete stranger) to validate the true identity of a person they don’t know? Very difficult, it turns out, especially when others may be trying to imitate them.
Looking for a day of high-level security education, networking and discussion? Join us May 10, 2018, for the 2018 Security 500 West Conference. Matthew Rosenquist of Intel Corp. will deliver the keynote address on the risks and opportunities within converged security.
Though there are big benefits to having a BYOD program, including boosting employee productivity and morale, as well as possible cost savings, security risks are a critical concern.
I’m thrilled to announce the first two recipients of that award for professional excellence and/or outstanding service/acts in the contract security guard profession.