The larger and more well-known the business corporations are, the more they attract attention and are a target when an outburst of rage occurs. What is enterprise security's role in riots and looting and how can they mitigate these risks and react when an event does occur?
The Union of European Football Associations (UEFA) needed a solution to provide entry screening for spectators attending the Super Cup Final 2020, which took place September 24, 2020 in Budapest.
When it comes to security and emergency communications, it can be difficult for security to communicate without a physical address of a location. The Movie Lot, which often provides security to movie companies without physical addresses, needed a way to efficiently and easily pinpoint locations.
Following the COVID-19 pandemic, business and government executives have been considering the best options and strategies to repair disrupted operations and return to work without putting employees and citizens at risk. Here’s some advice: take a multilayered approach.
Only with the widespread adoption of new technologies and systems will the country see long-term public safety success. With this fast-moving dynamic, not every new technology is ready for the challenges presented by a pandemic, and for many organizations it’s now about balancing effectiveness with timeliness, and diligence without panic.
Today, securing large venues is a topic enterprise security professionals are grappling with in real-time. Securing these facilities, requires managing occupancy, implementing contact tracing and other solutions, including managing privacy, for the safety of future visitors and fans, but also for the safety and security of venue teams, players and staff.
Veterans have a lot of offer potential security roles and bring many intangibles to the table. Here are some tips that may help guide the hiring conversation and help envision where a veteran can help your company.
Maybe you already have a security information and event management (SIEM) service and you are looking for help managing it. Maybe you are thinking of buying a SIEM and concerned it might be too much to handle on your own. Or maybe you are using a managed security service provider (MSSP) and thinking of gaining more control of your data by working collaboratively in your SIEM rather than letting them do all the work. Here are the most common myths, along with the realities of co-managed security event management.
There are a number of factors to consider when assessing, planning, designing, deploying, and operating any airspace surveillance, and/or integrated ground and airspace security system. Many of the security process elements tip into sensor requirements and, as a recent Interagency Advisory helpfully noted, some of the sensors provide functionality that is itself illegal.
Companies need to tangibly improve employee well-being, particularly when it comes to their security professionals. Here are three measures security leaders can incorporate into their organization now, before employees hit a breaking point.