Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk upgraded its security infrastructure by unifying video and access control park-wide, to allow the park's security team to speed up investigations and emergency response.
The National Center for Spectator Sports Safety and Security (NCS4) will host the 2020 National Sports Safety and Security Conference virtually October 12-14, 2020. Read on to learn about the speakers and panels.
The International Association of Behaviour Detection & Analysis has been formed to create a professional body to recognize and advance standards in the industry.
The 2020 Cybersecurity Perception Study finds most people still don’t view cybersecurity as a career field for themselves, even as nearly one-third (29%) of respondents say they are considering a career change.
In Oregon, the Portland City Council passed legislation, which bans both city government agencies and private businesses from using facial recognition technology on the city’s grounds.
In the 19 years that have passed since Sept. 11, 2001, Americans have seen significant increases in counterterrorism security in public venues, including more security guards, closed-circuit TV cameras, metal detectors and bag checks. A study by the USC Center for Risk and Economic Analysis of Terrorism Events (CREATE) finds out that people are still willing to pay more for increased security at public venues almost two decades later.
The Human Trafficking Institute rolled out the 2019 State Summaries, which provide an overview of federal human trafficking cases in all 50 states, the five U.S. territories, and the District of Columbia. While the number of forced labor cases has remained steady for a few years, the number of criminal sex trafficking cases as a nation has trended down since 2017.
NCS4 is planning its 2020 National Sports Safety and Security Conference for October 12-14, 2020. The virtual event is themed around "The Way Forward" and will include a number of panels and discussions around COVID-19, venue and event management and returning to play and operations safely.