The U.S. Justice Department has accused United States Investigations Services (USIS) of filing at least 665,000 flawed background checks – about 40 percent of the total submissions – between March 2008 and September 2012.
The top five concerns for 2014 are: Business interruption and supply chain losses; natural catastrophes; fire and explosions; loss of reputation or brand value; and cyber crime, according to the Allianz Risk Barometer survey.
If you’ve never considered the safety risks of a professional security officer, placing them in a sporting venue where they are significantly outnumbered is an excellent research lab.
On September 19, 2013, 57-year-old Lynne Spalding was admitted to San Francisco General Hospital for a bladder infection. Last seen in her hospital room on September 21, she was found dead in a stairwell at the hospital on October 8th.
In July 2013, when all non-essential U.S. citizens were advised to depart Egypt after the resignation of former President Muhammed Morsi, any crisis response company worth its salt was already deep into planning for its clients there.
Resisting a move to plastic money, Euro banknotes will remain paper as the European Central Bank chooses to fight counterfeiting with new security measures, according to Reuters. The ECF also has no plans to eliminate the 500-euro notes favored by some criminals.
The federal government has fined Virginia Tech $5,000 for a violation of a campus safety law in connection with the 2007 massacre, The Washington Post reports. The fine follows a finding that the university had inconsistent policies on the timely warning of safety threats, and it failed to disclose one of them as required under the federal Clery Act. The maximum possible fine for such a violation is $27,500.
Matrix Systems, an access control and security solutions provider with a 35-year history, announced today the creation of two new strategic channels of business: Frontier and Xentry Systems Integration.