Regardless of a jury settlement outcome, lawsuits and their resulting publicity leave a stigma and often result in loss of business, not to mention difficulty finding insurance coverage
A security executive’s primary strategy should be to prevent lawsuits from happening, so hiring practices and vetting of security firm partners are the first defense. All security officers must be subjected to criminal background and employment history checks.
Referencing preferential hiring of veterans for law enforcement and fire department positions, Senator Jim Beach of New Jersey proposed legislation to create a three-year pilot program in 12 school districts to recruit veterans for schools' safety and security needs.
2013 was Colorado’s busiest gun-buying year on record, partially due to legislation that now requires background checks for private firearm transfers, The Denver Post reports.
While a hot topic in past years has been the use of the internet to help with employee selection through social media background checks, it appears that this trend is fading fast.
So you’ve decided to move ahead with a cloud deployment. Now you’re on the hook to make another critical decision: which platform to select. Public? Private? Hybrid?
California continues to rank best in the nation for strong gun reform measures, according to a new state analysis by the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence and the Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence.
Drug use among American workers declined dramatically over the past 25 years, although the rate of positive test results for certain drugs, including amphetamine and opiates, continues to climb.
Facial biometric recognition works well on clear images with a good view of the face, but much additional data is often discarded due to the fact that the face, or the full face, is not clearly visible. The discarded data contains “soft” biometrics, such as height, gait and other features, such as ears.
The holding company that runs Sears is reported to be exploring the idea of shuttering its namesake Auto Center stores and opening commercial data centers.
It was the second deadliest mass shooting by a single person in American history, after the 2007 Virginia Tech massacre, and the second deadliest mass murder at a U.S. elementary school. As a mother of two young children, I am still anguished over “Newtown,” as the events are often referred to. Guy Grace is, as well.