Ransomware will “wreak havoc” on the United States’ critical infrastructure community in 2016, according to a report by the Institute for Critical Infrastructure Technology (ICIT).
Business owners in the U.S. recognize the severity of ransomware and the potential disruption to business operations, yet 84 percent say they would not pay in the event of an attack.
After the leak of the Panama Papers and a string of ransomware attacks, will these new developments lead to new priorities for lawyers, doctors and enterprises at large? Can financial losses or the damage to the reputation of a health system or law firm lead to a new sense of urgency to update accepted security practices and even codes of conduct with hospital data? Will regulatory bodies mandate more training for these two distinguished professions that have largely opted out of serious cybersecurity training up until now?
The number of cyberattacks where malware holds user data “hostage” is expected to grow in 2016 as hackers target more companies and advanced software is able to compromise more types of data.
Organizations that have suffered a ransomware attack before are more likely to pay up again, and keep mum about it too, according to a ThreatTrack study.