The nature of providing health care services is changing, particularly as the focus shifts from hospital-based care to providing care in more cost-effective settings. The introduction of the Affordable Care Act and other key drivers are making it increasing important for health care providers, and their supply companies, to reduce costs for customers and patients, says Greg Halvacs, the Chief Security Officer and Senior Vice President for Global Security, Flight Operations and Global Real Estate at Cardinal Health, a health care services company based in Dublin, Ohio.
If you asked your employees to define “cybersecurity,” what would they say?
July 1, 2014
By screening a provider for these qualities, you’ll accomplish much more than a manager who simply wants to “check the box” and get it over with. You’ll walk away knowing participants are getting the training that’s right for them, not an endless sea of faceless masses.
U.S. respondents reported that the fraud incidence rate doubled to 16 percent from 8 percent over the last two years, according to the 13th EY Global Fraud Survey, Overcoming Compliance Fatigue: Reinforcing the Commitment to Ethical Growth,
Despite robust planning, a security director’s worst nightmare is a serious injury or death occurring on company property due to a violent criminal act.
Contactless payment methods can be used to pay for things even when they are nearly a meter away from a payment terminal, according to research from a team at Surrey University in the UK.
Cyber crime has been referred to as a “wicked problem,” and its solution may well lie in stronger education.
November 5, 2013
Frederick Chang recently joined Southern Methodist University to develop a multidisciplinary program to tackle the most pressing cyber challenges facing the world today.
When an emergency occurs, whether it is a cardiac or first-aid emergency, or a natural disaster or workplace violence incident, the emergency responder who makes the difference between life and death is one who is well trained.
The Homeland Security Department needs better rules over its use of Twitter, Facebook and other social media services to improve privacy and legal safeguards.