A new study has found that not one of the top 10 U.S. computer science programs (as ranked by the U.S. News & World Report in 2015) requires a single cybersecurity course for graduation.
As the national conversation regarding violence in the workplace suggests a heightened awareness stemming from increased media coverage, recent studies suggest there may be statistical evidence supporting this perceived frequency.
Over the years the non-sworn, corporate public safety industry has failed to achieve any long-lasting measures of professionalism. There are many possible reasons for this failure, but chief among them is the failure to adopt reliable public safety officer core competency standards.
It's cliché but true: One bad apple gives the whole bunch a bad name. When hiring new officers for private security, one untrained security officer can ruin both your company's brand and the reputation of the industry as a whole.
Research from the American Red Cross makes the case for a blended approach that combines online scenario-based simulation learning with in-person classroom training.
The White House has asked for $263 million in funding for police body cameras and training in the wake of the shooting death of unarmed 18-year-old Michael Brown.