When it comes to hiring and retaining security staff, many security leaders struggle with where best to start. Jeff Hauk, Director of Public Safety and Police Services at Memorial Healthcare, dives into the strategies and best practices security leaders and hiring managers can implement while searching for and training high-quality talent.

  1. Hiring: Focusing on a candidate’s attitude, rather than security skills, is key to hiring for frontline security staff. Keep an eye out for people both internally and externally who embody and promote the organizational culture for recruitment opportunities.
  2. Training: Teach security staff to lead and own the processes in which they are involved — from running meetings to having an active voice in security-related organizational initiatives, integrating all security talent into discussions relating to the department increases a sense of ownership department-wide.
  3. Retaining: Empower the security team to make key decisions and do their jobs without constant oversight from more senior leadership. By delegating and instilling leadership values in the department, security staff are motivated to stay and grow in their careers.

As part of the Solutions by Sector webinar series, Hauk shares his insights on how best to find, train and retain security talent. Check out the top tips here or watch the full webinar on-demand by registering at this link.