Colombian designer Miguel Caballero, known as the “Armani” of bulletproof garments, has created a collection of clothing and accessories for children of ages 8 to 14 in just two weeks, prompted by the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., according to Fox News Latino and Efe.
Caballero told Efe that it’s an unobtrusive line of clothing, “security solutions” that kids can wear in the street and at school without attracting any particular attention, the article says. The designer also said that the market for his MC KIDS children’s line is the U.S. and Canada because “that’s where they have the problem.”
By having several of his company’s departments work together, he brought out the four categories of his collection: V-Bag, Puffer Kids, T-Shirt Kids and Safety Vest.
Caballero started his firm in 1992 with $10 in capital and today employs 180 people, producing 32,000 garments in 2012, Fox reports. The wares include police and army uniforms to bodyguards’ wear to dress shirts, guayaberas and sports coats for businessmen, politicians and entertainers.
Sales of bulletproof backpacks and armored pants sharply increased in the U.S. after the Dec. 14 massacre in Newtown.