As technology gets better, it often also becomes more complicated for the average user. The balance between security and convenience is a constant battle. Passwords are a good example, as a password is access control at it’s most basic. Passwords restrict access to many things, providing protection to information.
IT specialists agree that more complex
passwords provide greater security. A good password now must be eight
characters or more, with a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters,
combined with numbers and special characters. Security specialists know that as
passwords become more complex, people tend to not be able to remember them, so
they write them down and hide them. It’s no secret that passwords are hidden
under calendars, under telephones and in the Rolodex under “c” for computer or
“p” for password.
The Emerging Password Threat
Now a new threat has emerged. The original concern of the written down password being found has been replaced by the concern of the password being retrieved.
As passwords continue to get more
complicated, procedures to retrieve forgotten passwords have been developed for
the user. The procedure generally involves the use of “secret questions” that
must be answered to either provide the password or to reset the password.
A recent paper presented by Ariel Rabkin of
UC Berkeley addressed the new threat.
A study of online criminal markets has found
that stolen bank login credentials are highly valued by criminals. To meet this
threat, banks have developed increasingly sophisticated authentication methods,
including a requirement for a user to pick a “strong” password, not easily
guessed by an attacker. To meet the balance between security and convenience,
banks often couple their password authentication with some sort of “lost
password” mechanism, which users can fall back on if they have forgotten their
A solution
used by many banking sites has been to rely on security questions. These come
in two varieties. One sort of question asks about sensitive (though not
necessarily private) information such as Social Security and bank account
numbers, and ATM PIN codes. Another set of security questions, personal
security questions, ask about personal history and family background, such as
one’s mother’s maiden name. Personal security questions, in turn, can be
divided into those selected by the user from a menu of choices, and those
specified entirety by the institution, such as zip codes, mother’s maiden name
or date of birth. Use of these types of questions benefits the user, as they
are typically unambiguous and involve easy-to-remember answers.
When Rabkin sampled actual questions used by
institutions, names of friends and family were a common topic. After gathering
over 200 questions from different sites, there were 34 questions about first
names, 13 about middle names and 10 about last names and nicknames. Four sites
out of eleven sampled asked about grandmother’s first names, six asked the name
of your favorite pet, while mother’s maiden name came up three times compared
to four each for high school mascot and favorite sports team.
Social Networks’ Dirty Little Secret
Facebook is technology on a crash course with password authentication. How is Facebook a threat? A little bit of knowledge goes a long way. An overwhelming majority of today’s college students and recent college graduates maintain an account at a social networking site, such as Facebook, MySpace or LiveJournal. These sites allow users to expose structured information about themselves, such as their educational background, age, birthday, friends via their personal profiles. Also note that social networking sites are not typically viewed as needing strong protection, and may represent a privacy risk to users.
Public posting of private information can
help an attacker gain the knowledge necessary to answer the security questions
and allow forgotten password access to an account. Rabkin noted, “Roughly 12
percent of our sample was automatically attackable, meaning that the answers to
those questions could be found on a social networking site.”
A great deal of other personal information
used for authentication, such as date of birth or ZIP code can also be found in
public records, again easily accessible on the Internet. An attacker who knows
the victim’s identity can get answers to job related questions by viewing
commonly available employer Web pages posting bios, staff resumes and the like.
An online account that I have asked me to
verify “security questions” – my questions were: “Who was your first employer
(first job)?” and “What is the last school you attended?” The answer to both of
these questions could be easily found on many Facebook pages.
As we
make things more secure, password retrieval protocols increase the options that
the bad guys have to get at the things we value. Know what of your personal
information is accessible through the Internet. We teach children to be careful
not to expose too much information about themselves on the Internet; perhaps we
should be teaching adults the same thing.