At LSI, students learn knowledge and skill sets that are beneficial throughout an entire security professional’s career.
A recent column in this magazine noted the lack of quality security training available in the United States today. Several issues need to be addressed. First, who needs training, and second what training needs to be available?
The “C’s” (CEO, CFO, etc.) need to understand security. Many years ago I was hired into a security manager position. My immediate supervisor had the general operations responsibility, which included security, but also included maintenance, landscaping, cleaning, catering and many other responsibilities. At the final meeting that resulted in a job offer, I was told “I don’t know anything about security, and I don’t need to know anything about security, that’s why I hired you.” That has got to change. The security operation impacts threat, loss and the general operations of a facility. While upper management may not be involved in the daily security operations, they must understand security.
LSI is a private training facility founded in 1955. Starting as a locksmith based training company, LSI expanded into mainstream security operations in 1998.
The “C’s” (CEO, CFO, etc.) need to understand security. Many years ago I was hired into a security manager position. My immediate supervisor had the general operations responsibility, which included security, but also included maintenance, landscaping, cleaning, catering and many other responsibilities. At the final meeting that resulted in a job offer, I was told “I don’t know anything about security, and I don’t need to know anything about security, that’s why I hired you.” That has got to change. The security operation impacts threat, loss and the general operations of a facility. While upper management may not be involved in the daily security operations, they must understand security.
LSI is a private training facility founded in 1955. Starting as a locksmith based training company, LSI expanded into mainstream security operations in 1998.
LSI began working on a college level “basic” physical security class five years ago. We felt that several issues were important to make the class “legitimate.” The class had to cover a great deal of information, it had to be developed by industry professionals, it had to be accredited by a national accrediting body and not be self accredited. We partnered with a local community college, and went through the procedure for our security classes and instructors to be accredited through SACS, the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools.
The resulting class received accreditation and is part of a certificate program offered through Bluegrass Community and Technical College (BCTC) in Lexington, Ky. The class is an across the board security operations class, covering access control, intrusion detection, security video, protective lighting, locks, perimeter security, risk assessment, security design and other related topics.
The course provides the CEO and CFO with a solid understanding of what should be happening in their organization. The course of instruction includes instruction in how to identify physical security needs, evaluate internal and external threats and develop a comprehensive security program. The class identifies the basic practices and concepts involved in physical security operations. This is done by discussing a balanced blend of both policy and procedure issues with technology and hardware. Included is the identification of the concepts of basic security design (CPTED) and security surveys, to include the design and application of perimeter protection, intrusion detection and security video systems. Identification of risks and vulnerabilities to facilities and operations assists in the preparation of crisis management plans for man-made and natural disasters. Valid countermeasure recommendations based on a modern risk management process are the result of conducting security inspections and surveys using current procedures, including the preparation of solid workplace violence plans.
The class is offered several times a year at our training facility in an 80 hour (two week) residence class in a hands-on format. Our state-of-the-art, 22,000-square-foot training facility features comfortable classrooms each designed for specific training. A security operations classroom features working camera systems, a variety of security lighting and a section of chain link fence with a working intrusion detection system along one wall. A safe classroom has more than 35 GSA approved security containers and safes, and a lock classroom has everything needed to do everything from cut keys to pin masterkey systems. Six examples of fence construction are installed outside, along with a working microwave and beam sensor.
The course is also available in two online formats. The class is offered for college credit through BCTC, and for those who do not want or need college credit, the course is offered on-line directly through LSI. This upcoming semester we will offer the online version of the Comprehensive Security Specialist class for the third time through the college.
Whether you are a practitioner, you are supervising practitioners, or you are running a major corporation, the knowledge and skill sets gained in this class will be beneficial throughout a career.
Learn more about LSI at www.LSIeducation.com