As external stakeholders demand more information and insight into your organization’s security practices and protocols, implementing a comprehensive security communications strategy is a must.
Communication was already a challenge in the security industry with widespread teams or lone personnel in siloed locations. Now that COVID-19 has virtually eradicated in-person interactions and many team members are only working remotely, it is all the more difficult to keep everyone synced. The entire face of security communications has changed, escalating the need to find alternate ways to connect with the growing remote workforce. Internal and external communications are merging as security companies struggle to manage disconnected teams. Remote work now requires mobile communication delivery at an unprecedented level. Security professionals are discovering faster, more effective ways to communicate with simple, plug-and-play digital solutions.
Educating a new class of freshmen about personal safety on campus requires a team effort and, often, an unconventional approach.
January 7, 2019
Every autumn, a new wave of young students floods onto college campuses, eager and excited for the next phase of their lives and ready to explore their newfound freedom. They are not always eager, however, to consider safety and security a top priority.
Dedicating some portion of communications personnel time to the security team can drive global awareness of programs and initiatives critical to the safety of the organization, thereby increasing programmatic success.
Through real-time location system technologies embedded within modern mobile and smart devices, the VuTeur emergency management platform uses existing WiFi connectivity to communicate directly with mobile users within a facility during an incident or event, allowing security personnel to visualize users’ locations on a map of the facility.
Improving employees’ cybersecurity awareness often hinges on communicating those initiatives into risks they understand.
March 1, 2017
There’s a C- on your report card, but you’re not alone: The 2017 Global Cybersecurity Assurance Report Card found that the world’s information security practitioners gave global cybersecurity readiness an overall score of 70 percent – a six-point drop over 2016.