Seniors and millennials may be more alike than many believe - they are both connecting to a similar number of Internet of Things devices (at least 7 Wi-Fi devices) and both engaging in similar, risky online behaviors, reveals a new Generali Global Assistance and the Identity Theft Resource Center study.
CMOs are now tasked with introducing privacy-centric practices to protect consumer data, while simultaneously using this data to personalize experiences. Here are three ways privacy will need to evolve organization-wide as demand for personalized "everything" grows.
The U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York entered orders in two separate civil actions, barring eight individuals and entities from continuing to facilitate the transmission of massive volumes of fraudulent robocalls to consumers in the United States, the Department of Justice (DOJ) announced.
Forfeiture Support Associates, LLC d/b/a FSA Federal announced that Tim Prange has joined the company to lead its new division providing support services to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security United States Citizenship and Immigration Services.
In late January, the Department of Justice filed lawsuits seeking temporary restraining orders against five companies and three individuals, based on allegations that they had carried hundreds of millions of fraudulent robocalls to American consumers. Within days, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) sent letters to 19 Voice over Internet Protocol providers to warn them that any assistance or facilitation of telemarketing through robocalls would be deemed to violate the new law.
While increasingly common even before the coronavirus, remote work brings its own unique set of cybersecurity challenges. Here are the ten most common pitfalls and the recommended solutions.
Jeffrey Brown has been named the new chief information security officer for the State of Connecticut, where he will be responsible for development, execution and monitoring of a world-class cybersecurity program.