Legislation has been introduced in Georgia to combat human trafficking by imposing a lifetime commercial driver's license ban on anyone convicted of trafficking an individual for labor servitude or sexual servitude.
A few months ago, ISIO suggested in articles that security managers must ensure that there is a contingency in the budget to obtain equipment or skills training in case of an unknown threat that could arrive out of the blue. Any responsible managing or finance director must consider allocating funding and preparing for this emerging threat because it has life impacting or life and death possibilities.
Mike Matranga at Texas City ISD is on a mission to become the safest school system in the nation, by arming guards, using facial recognition, bullet-resistant glass, tracking students with chip technology and employing mental health experts.
Researchers with the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is mounting miniature mobile communications networks on pickup trucks and unmanned aerial systems to measure signal strength and coverage in mountain areas lacking wireless infrastructure.
Starting this week, the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) began issuing the newly designed Texas driver licenses (DL), identification (ID) cards and license to carry (LTC) cards to all Texans.
Chief Security Officers (CSOs) are charged with protecting an organization’s assets and people. Like all corporate functions, the design of this department will vary greatly depending upon the organization. However, the process by which a program is designed, measured and evaluated has some consistent principles across different industries. This series explores how to make your physical security program more strategic, and how to secure funding for this objective.
Retailers today face a number of security challenges, including shoplifting, shrink and theft at the point of sale, protecting the premises after hours, slip and fall lawsuits and much more. Adding complexity to the security challenge is that retailers face these threats in a variety of locations within stores, each of which comes with its own unique requirements. Today’s flexible, intelligent surveillance cameras offer a variety of form factors and capabilities that allow them to address the range of security and operational challenges.