There are numerous ways to skin the mass notification cat, according to numerous enterprise security leaders.
Mass notification is a step up from emergency communications and comprises numerous ways to get the word out to the appropriate people inside and outside buildings as well as through computer networks and mobile devices.
It’s Easy Being Green,” “Got Green?,” “Green Saves the Planet”— Ecologically-friendly products have come a long way since the early 2000s, when every other newspaper headline touted the novelty of the movement by quoting Kermit the Frog.
A security test was being widely circulated among security officers at the Y-12 Nuclear Facility in Tennessee, where it was used as a study aid instead of a secret exam.
The blast-protected and fully integrated C4I equipment in the vehicle means a safe security vehicle with total system performance, reliability and comfort, the makers say.
Under new policies, employees in the UI system will undergo background checks before they can work with minors, especially at 4-H meetings, music or sports camps.
Do you remember your first few weeks in the security industry, especially in its administration? What were the most confusing terms and acronyms for you to master? Well, we’ve been asking around for industry leaders to contribute their top acronyms for our alphabet soup so you can come back and reference what we mean by ASTM, HDIS and PIAM.
The Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards, or CFATS, is a program administered by the Department of Homeland Security with the aim of protecting “high-risk” chemical facilities across the United States.