Thieves stole 752 cases of Spirit of the Tsars Golden Vodka from a Miami area customs warehouse, busting a case-sized hole through a concrete wall to grab their pricey loot.
The leading physical security market analysts all predict that megapixel cameras will continue to significantly outgrow the standard resolution camera marketplace
July 1, 2013
The leading physical security market analysts all predict that megapixel cameras will continue to significantly outgrow the standard resolution camera marketplace, with many forecasting this segment to grow over the next three years at better than 40-percent CAGR.
A new study by a researcher at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte examines hundreds of convicted offenders to gain an unprecedented look inside the mind of a burglar, providing insight into an intruder’s motivation and methods.
Senator Patrick Leahy has introduced a bill seeking to rein in the sweeping U.S. government surveillance programs exposed by former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden.
An overwhelming number of New Yorkers want more surveillance cameras to be installed in public places, according to a new poll from Quinnipiac University.
The Lancaster. Pa. Community Safety Coalition is embarking on an "Adopt-A-Camera" campaign to raise funds that will help pay for the coalition's 161 surveillance cameras deployed around the city.