Rapid growth in the volume of sensitive information combined with new technologies has chipped away at the effectiveness of traditional endpoint protections and network perimeter security.
Data security used to be relatively simple. Office buildings and areas within them presented clear “perimeters” that companies could protect with locks, alarms, and if necessary, searches of belongings.
Cloud computing technology providers are rapidly improving the effectiveness and efficiency of network security, and what we are seeing is just the beginning. If your business is not already taking advantage of cloud-based security solutions, chances are high you will benefit from this emerging market soon.
In light of all the headline-grabbing network security breaches in the last year it's understandable that enterprises might be on high alert to prevent their own organization from being thrust into the spotlight.
September 1, 2014
Network and security components must be able to communicate so that if an attacker penetrates one system, others can respond immediately to take preventative measures. IF-MAP is a robust protocol that enables information sharing between disparate systems.
The days of wrapping our enterprise users and systems within a network security perimeter are long gone. In order to better innovate and compete in today’s fast moving markets, the business needs to leverage any opportunity to accelerate new initiatives and create new revenue opportunities.
The concept of remote decision making, while necessary in 2000, is not necessary today. Let’s use the significant security and power of existing IT networks, let it all be managed by IT and let security get back to their primary job, deciding who should get in and responding to those who should not.
New York's banks will face new cybersecurity assessments carried out by the Department of Financial Services (DFS), under plans unveiled by Governor Andrew Cuomo.
The four-course program will cover the fundamentals of network security, protecting electronic assets, preventing attacks and ensuring consumer privacy.