innovation 8 bodyFoils Underage Drinking through Smartphone App
From Intellicheck Mobilisa

Many bars and restaurants’ bartenders currently eyeball IDs to ensure prospective drinkers are at least 21 years old, but a smartphone app might change that process. The app can pull up encoded information from government-issued IDs, including the owner’s age, date of birth, height, weight, eye color, hair color and the card’s expiration date by scanning the ID’s barcode. It can also detect several common varieties of fake IDs, including IDs with tampered-with non-encrypted information, expired hand-me-down IDs, and expensive fakes with altered bar codes. The one piece of information not recorded by the app is the cardholder’s address, to protect against bouncers or bartenders using the technology to stalk patrons or store owners using the information for junk mailings.

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