In New Hampshire, a state database will be created to track and review abuses by federal airport security agents.

House Bill 628, which passed on a 188 to 136 vote, would allow someone who believes an airport security screener was overly aggressive or abusive to report the incident to the police or country sheriff. And the bill would allow a person to record or videotape a search by a federal security agent.

Bill supporters said the bill would shine a light on and potentially prevent abuse by federal security agents who violate people’s dignity and rights during searches.

Rep. Andrew Manuse, R-Derry, said “This would shine a light to ensure citizens’ dignity and rights are protected. And second we will be able to see how big a problem we have with the TSA here in New Hampshire and if there is something further we need to do in the future.”

Under the bill, the database would be maintained by state police. The name of the person making the complaint would be confidential, but the database would be public.

The bill now goes to the Senate.