The Security Executive Council announces the new Security 2020™ initiative, which is poised to influence continuous risk improvement through the next decade.
Security 2020™ will produce persuasive risk and security improvements by 1) evaluating security-related products for effectiveness and value; 2) implementing multi-technology test beds to increase innovation and interoperability; and 3) providing leadership training for the next generation of security executives.
The first Security 2020™ program, Solution Innovations, was officially launched in early 2010. Solution Innovations partners submit their products to a rigorous process to validate product and solution claims and are vetted to provide real value to the business.
Upcoming Security 2020™ programs will include Store of the Future, Enterprise of the Future, Supply Chain of the Future, and Next Generation Risk Mitigation Leadership.
Francis D’Addario, Security Executive Council Emeritus Faculty, Strategic Influence and Innovation (former Vice President of Partner and Asset Protection for Starbucks Coffee) has been tapped to lead the initiative. The Council expects to announce advances on Store of the Future, a 10-year test bed of multiple technologies for retail security and business improvement, by Fall 2010.