Eight out of 10 hospital CIOs recently surveyed by PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP said they are concerned they will not be able to demonstrate “meaningful use” of electronic health records (EHRs) — and therefore won’t qualify for federal reimbursements for rolling out the technology. Ninety-four percent of CIOs in the survey released Tuesday said they are concerned they can’t meet government requirements about how to report meaningful use of EHRs, and 92 percent are concerned about a lack of clarity in the criteria used by the government. Last year, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act set aside $36 billion to help hospitals and doctors purchase equipment to computerize patient medical records, but even the most sophisticated hospitals in the country are struggling to qualify for the payments, PwC’s study indicated. Clinicians and hospitals that deploy the technology and prove that it meets a set of government “meaningful use” standards showing it is being effectively used may receive up to $44,000 per doctor in reimbursement funds beginning next year.

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