The exacqVision Facial Matching solution, an artificial intelligence enabled system, provides immediate notification of persons of interest who are returning to a venue or other premise.
It is dangerous to be related to a terrorist, let alone a senior terror operative. Such an association can lead to one's imminent death while participating in an attack encouraged by a family member.
How does Eric Clay, System Director of Public Safety for CoxHealth, address common healthcare security challenges, and what initiatives has he taken to improve the safety of staff and patients?
Providing a safe and secure environment where clinical staff can focus on administering excellent patient care requires the CoxHealth Public Safety team to address all challenges head-on. How does Eric Clay, System Director of Public Safety, provide a safe and secure environment?
On October 10, 2019, the California Attorney General's office published its long-awaited proposed California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) regulations. What are they, and what should enterprises do to achieve compliance and avoid costly fines?
On October 10, 2019, the California Attorney General’s (AG) office published its long-awaited proposed California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) regulations. The AG’s office also announced that it will hold public hearings on the regulations on December 2-5.
The Government Communications Security Bureau from New Zealand is encouraging public and private sector leaders to get more connected with their organizations’ cybersecurity governance.