The University of West Florida and the Jikei College Group in Japan announced a partnership that aims to enhance global cybersecurity workforce development.
As you advance your security career into senior and executive levels, occasions may arise where your personal values may conflict with those in the organization. How will you handle ethical challenges that may have career and life-long impacts?
Though data breaches are a serious issue for large enterprise organizations, especially from a reputation perspective, the threat of compromise is a top concern for most small and midsized businesses (SMBs), too.
Heightened security threats, civil unrest and geopolitical instability are expected to be top disruptors to the mobile workforce in 2020, says a new study by International SOS.
The implementation of a secured perimeter and internal firewall network architecture and conducting Vulnerability Assessments and Penetration Tests (VAPT) are often seen as enough to protect critical business information and guard against unexpected cybersecurity threats. However, as we will discover and despite this approach being a good start, there is substantially more to information security than firewalls and VAPT.