What are some simple risk management rules that will support healthcare organizations, without significantly exposing it to major security risks as they adapt to this new and challenging COVID-19 situation?
The best way to prevent scripting attacks, such as those that implement Python back doors or compromise PowerShell, is to implement identity-based zero trust. In a zero trust environment, IT treats the internal network as if it were the public internet, a place where nothing can be trusted, and anything can be a threat.
Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer announced the "Futures for Frontliners” program to provide a tuition-free pathway to college or a technical certificate to essential workers who don’t have a college degree.
The McLean Group announced that Marc Gruzenski has joined the firm as Senior Managing Director. Gruzenski will lead the firm’s Security Practice focused on the cybersecurity, physical security and security risk management sectors.
What are some key areas to consider when you are constructing a strategy to address your successor and the replacement of other positions within your direct and functional organization?
In the video surveillance world, data is growing rapidly due to the proliferation of surveillance cameras in both public and private spaces, the increased use of police body cameras and dash cams, and ever higher-resolution on all of these. In the U.S. alone, the surveillance marketplace is expected to grow to $68 billion by 2023.
A John Jay College of Criminal Justice project on cyber-terrorism is one of 13 selected by the Department of Homeland Security as part of the National Counterterrorism Innovation, Technology, and Education (NCITE) Center, a new DHS Center of Excellence. The project will be housed at the University of Nebraska at Omaha.
Traction Guest, a leader in cloud-based solutions for enterprise visitor management systems (VMS), announced Brian Phillips as director of Global Security Strategy.
Ransomware is costing businesses—in ransom, yes, but also in downtime, the cost of which is typically 23 times greater than the ransom requested. The attacks are affecting large organizations and cities including Atlanta and Baltimore. Cybercriminals aren’t just attacking end-users; MSPs are the latest on the hit list.