The commission investigating last year’s shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School has recommended that public schools should have more realistic active-shooter drills.
The University of Michigan School of Public Health will house a $6 million multidisciplinary, multi-institutional national research and training center on school safety that will provide schools with training and technical assistance to prevent school violence.
Minnesota State Rep. Bob Vogel announced school districts throughout Minnesota are receiving a combined $30 million from the state to fund safety initiatives.
A new California law mandates that security staff at schools, regardless of whether they are employed full-time or part-time, will have to undergo training.
U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos announced $71.6 million in new funding to enhance safety in schools and improve student access to mental health resources.
In today’s volatile landscape where school shootings are unceasingly making headlines, many school officials are looking for ways to increase safety and security on their own campuses. The Houston Independent School District is no exception. As the largest school district in Texas and the seventh largest in the United States, it serves about 209,000 students across 280 campuses.
U.S. Senators David Perdue (R-GA) and Doug Jones (D-AL) introduced the School Safety Clearinghouse Act, which would establish a federally-funded and housed information clearinghouse detailing best practices for school security and design.