The next national security crisis may be a lack of ability to mitigate or respond to such an attack because frankly, there’s no one available to mitigate the attack or respond to it.
The battle means that companies might be in danger of losing simply because they lack the manpower to deal with it. The battle means that companies looking for more security staff aren’t going to find them – they’re going to have to create them.
The latest buzzword these days is “Resiliency,” which for all intents and purposes is really nothing more than a new term for business continuity planning (BCP) in the private sector and continuity of operations planning (COP) in the public sector.
Probably the most important first step an organization should take in developing their BCP/COP program is to conduct an inventory of all of the enterprise’s processes, assets and resources (PAR). No one has the time or resources to boil the ocean, so once the inventory has been completed, the next step involves prioritizing the PAR list from the most critical to the least important.
How enterprises manage incidents outlines the strength and longevity of the business, and how they report vulnerabilities and adapt after a breach helps to stop incidents from reoccurring.
New York State Police Superintendent Joseph A. D’Amico will be named the ASIS 2014 Person of the Year Award at a special luncheon at noon on Friday, March 14, in New York City. The annual awards luncheon is part of the 24th New York City Security Conference & Expo, hosted by the ASIS NYC Chapter.
Kroll's annual Cyber Security Forecast highlights seven trends identified by Kroll and suggests that a changing tide in cyber standards, both social and legal, will require organizations to take stronger actions and safeguards to protect against reputational, financial and legal risks in 2014.
More and more, security is focusing its value proposition on a service culture.
October 1, 2013
More and more, security is focusing its value proposition on a service culture. While this topic has been raised by many CSOs in recent years, the volume and frequency of the subject reached a peak recently and deserves some attention.
Nominated by their colleagues and associates, these top enterprise security executives are changing the security landscape for the better.
September 1, 2013
Each year, Security magazine honors top security executives who positively impact the security industry, their organization, their colleagues and their peers.
Las Vegas city and Clark County Sheriff Douglas C. Gillespie relies heavily on one public-private partnership in particular – the Southern Nevada Counter Terrorism Center
What can CSOs learn from a CEO’s perspective on risk?
August 1, 2013
To get a 20,000-foot CEO view of global risk, the Lloyd’s Risk Index provides a good lens. This year’s global survey polled 588 C-Suite and board level executives from both larger and smaller businesses (mostly smaller) and included a broad, global participation base.
In every element of our daily lives there are rules that guide our behavior. These rules come to us in many forms. From the time we are infants, our parents teach us what types of behaviors are acceptable and those that are not. We all remember the dreaded “No” from our mothers or fathers which was usually coupled with a stern look on their face.