A move from VPN to the cloud is beneficial not only from an operational, security, and digital experience perspective, but from an environmental impact perspective.
More than one-third of organizations are using AI to address skills and labor shortages and respond to competitive and environmental pressures, according to new IBM research.
Mission 500 is now accepting nominees for their 2020 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Award and 2020 Humanitarian Award. The awards will be presented at the Security 5/2K ceremony on March 19, 2020 during ISC West in Las Vegas.
If there is any broad lesson we have learned over the past decade of global developments, it is the extent to which risks are connected and the shocks that can result if we do not acknowledge their linkages
The most environmentally sustainable building in the world is the Change Initiative Building in Dubai, based on the LEED Commercial Interiors rating system.
May 1, 2014
At the recent ISC West Conference and Exposition in Las Vegas, sustainable security solutions were both everywhere and nowhere. As a judge for the Security Industry Association’s New Product Showcase at ISC West this year, I had the opportunity to participate on one of seven judging committees.