Scientists writing in the Journal of Bioterrorim and Biodefense now suggest that chemicals found in anthrax that killed five people and made 17 ill raise questions about whether the FBI targeted the right suspect. The New York Times Oct. 10 reported that the findings suggest that Army biodefense expert Bruce E. Ivins, identified by the FBI as the suspect after he committed suicide, may have been innocent or had help in obtaining the anthrax powder. Three scientists say in a research paper the chemicals in the anthrax, including the presence of tin, suggest extensive manufacturing skill, in contrast to federal statements that the attack germs were unsophisticated. A Times review of FBI documents showed bureau scientists had focused on tin early in their eight-year investigation as an element of interest and what the newspaper called a "critical clue" in the case. But the FBI later discontinued its investigation and never provided a detailed account of how the powder was made.