The Utah Attorney General announced a historic $600 million nationwide settlement with Equifax concerning the 2017 Equifax data breach affecting more than 147 million Americans, and more than 1.2 million Utahns
The Dutch Data Protection Authority (Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens, “Dutch DPA“) issued its first GDPR-fine of EUR 460,000 or $515,936. The fine was imposed on the Dutch Haga Hospital for having an insufficient internal security of patient records.
Rapid transit agencies across the U.S. are installing information management systems, video analytics and more to deter and combat crime and terror attacks that can impact millions of riders each day.
Thirty-two percent of healthcare organizations store a wide range of sensitive data in the cloud, including healthcare data and personally identifiable information (PII) of customers and employees.
In an effort to tighten data storage practices and data breaches, a bipartisan legislation introduced by Sens. Mark Warner, D-Va., and Josh Hawley, R-Mo, Designing Accounting Safeguards to Help Broaden Oversight And Regulations on Data (DASHBOARD) Act, will require data harvesting companies such as social media platforms to tell consumers and financial regulators exactly what data they are collecting from consumers, and how it is being leveraged by the platform for profit.