Within security leadership associations and meetings, key decisions are made about paths forward in the security industry, driving us to become trusted advisors, to learn about CSOs’ pain points and challenges, and to devise a more effective strategic direction for my company.
Travel risk is a top priority among European companies, yet travel security risk mitigation programs are seen as undermined due to communication inefficiencies.
GSOC, SOC, VSOC, JSOC, NOC, INSOC... The possibilities are endless when it comes to a center, building, or facility that mitigates and responds to enterprise security issues, either within the U.S. or on a global level.
Whether you’re establishing your firm’s first Global Security Operations Center (GSOC), including a co-located Network Security Operations Center (NSOC) or refreshing your current GSOC’s and/or NSOC’s capabilities, here are my recommendations for success.
Today’s center of gravity in cybersecurity is shifting, pulling the skills and experience of cyber defenders in new directions. In most companies, this situation has led to a convergence of responsibilities between physical security, information security and cybersecurity teams, and an increased commitment to “staffing-up” of dedicated “cyber defenders.”
Improving employees’ cybersecurity awareness often hinges on communicating those initiatives into risks they understand.
March 1, 2017
There’s a C- on your report card, but you’re not alone: The 2017 Global Cybersecurity Assurance Report Card found that the world’s information security practitioners gave global cybersecurity readiness an overall score of 70 percent – a six-point drop over 2016.
With so many security solutions on the market today, it can be tempting to chase the brightest new technologies to improve security operations in your enterprise.
Cities big and small are making their way into the smart realm, putting sensors on everything from street lights to sensors, buildings to connected cars, and thus, making themselves “smart.”