In the video surveillance world, data is growing rapidly due to the proliferation of surveillance cameras in both public and private spaces, the increased use of police body cameras and dash cams, and ever higher-resolution on all of these. In the U.S. alone, the surveillance marketplace is expected to grow to $68 billion by 2023.
While it might be tempting to reduce face recognition to an inevitable Orwellian nightmare, its benefits cannot be realized unless we educate ourselves about how the technology really works, separate fact from fiction, and pass common sense regulation that set guidelines for use. Here are five popular misconceptions about face recognition and privacy to help set the record straight on this powerful, emerging technology.
New KnowBe4 study, The Rise of Security Culture, finds that the majority of security leaders (94 percent) say security culture is important for business success, but have yet to merge their security strategies with their overall business strategies.
To help fight COVID-19, North Dakota university and industry researchers are looking for ways a drone can quickly sanitize playgrounds, deliver supplies and detect people's temperature from a distance.
Four New York graduate schools have signed onto an intensive online program that quickly and inexpensively prepares students without computer science backgrounds to enter master’s degree programs in high-demand fields of cybersecurity, data science, and computer science.
As with all digital and online tools, there are inherent security risks associated with utilizing video conferencing platforms. What are some concrete steps that consumers and organizations alike can take now to improve security while video conferencing?
According to Verizon's 2019 Mobile Security Index report, two-thirds of organizations said they are less confident about the security of their mobile assets than other devices. Many of these breaches occur due to vulnerable devices, servers and applications that allow bad actors to gain access. Security breaches and the threat of compromise are a serious issue for organizations of all sizes.
Risk remains the top concern for organizations adopting software-as-a-service (SaaS) models and this is an issue that is only getting worse. What is needed today is the ability to remove the dependency on human behavior and human error, bringing control back to the security team.