PENNCREST School District in Crawford County, Pennsylvania has deployed an artificial intelligence (AI)-based gun detection video analytics platform to all campuses.
At any given time, data retention laws may be added or altered, so Chief Data Officers (CDOs) need to stay current with retention laws to ensure compliance.
Organizations must take proactive steps to address the fundamental challenges of data protection, data storage and data compliance processes with cyberstorage solutions.
With a constant flow of visitors, healthcare settings need to balance security with visitor experience to maintain safe hospitals. Using biometrics can help.
The City of Cleveland’s Emergency Operations Center (EOC) incorporated video wall technology from Haivision to enhance threat intelligence monitoring and sharing.
MOD Pizza added video surveillance, an alarm system and a video management system from Interface to improve security and reduce strain on employee workloads.
The Naperville, Illinois Police Department is closing investigations more quickly by modernizing its operations with a digital evidence management system.