Kratos Public Safety & Security Solutions’ Robert Gaulden discusses the latest trends in security technology and how to manage surveillance for rooftop helipads.
Corporate executives can develop enough expertise to comfortably navigate key cybersecurity risk management concepts
April 1, 2014
The National Institute of Standards and Technology’s cybersecurity framework is now available, so how can CSOs and CISOs use it to better frame their cyber efforts and prove their case to the C-Suite?
As the security industry heads to the largest technology trade show in the world, ISC West in Las Vegas, it is a great time to do an inventory and reflect on your security technology investments and systems
There will be more than 1,000 exhibits at ISC West plus another 100 or so new technologies and solutions presented in hotel suites and meeting rooms off the show floor. Robust discussion about the movement toward IP, mobility and the cloud will buzz across the show floor, as it should.
The role of the CSO has significantly changed in the past 10 years and will change even more drastically over the next 10. For example, mention “convergence” and lines begin to blur – lines demarcating previously clear-cut, albeit traditional areas of management responsibility, budgets, reporting hierarchies, resourcing needs and geography.
Dogs have become an integral part of many people’s lives, not just as companions, but also as guide dogs, search-and-rescue dogs, and bomb- or drug-sniffing dogs, such as the ones used last month for Super Bowl security. Police forces in major cities use police dogs to track criminals, sniff out illegal materials, search buildings, and do other jobs human police officers can’t do as well as a dog can.
The most important step is to understand the level and type of kidnap risk in countries or regions where your organization operates or where employees are expected to travel for business reasons.
If your organization is operating in an area where the risk of kidnap is deemed high, you should consider the Special Risk options available through the insurance market. Carried by many leading underwriters, Kidnap/Ransom and Extortion (KRE) coverage reimburses the losses associated with a kidnap.
Most security executives clearly understand cyber security is in a class by itself, and the risks associated with ignoring it are immeasurable. They are surrounding themselves with IT and technical security professionals instead of traditional security staffing and former law enforcement personnel.
Monitoring emerging trends, customer likes and dislikes, and understanding unmet customer needs can determine how rapid a rate of incline or decline your business experiences. Companies spend millions of dollars conducting surveys of customers, potential customers, industry experts and key opinion leaders to determine if their products or services effectively meet, exceed or miss market expectations.
For well over a decade, CEOs have been relegating the operational, legal, reputational and competitive risks associated with cybersecurity to those responsible for Information Technology.
Cybersecurity is the unsung linchpin of every company that has grown increasingly dependent upon vulnerable technologies, whether to communicate, to store sensitive data, or to manufacture and deliver its products and services.