We spoke to John Scimone, Dell’s Chief Security Officer, who runs a converged organization, combining physical and cybersecurity, about how he has personally navigated a culture of convergence and digital transformation at Dell.
To get buy in from the entire organization on your role as a security professional, share these basic elements of an effective cybersecurity strategy with the rest of the C-suite.
Government organization Enterprise Ireland put on a cybersecurity panel discussion yesterday tackling a wide range of subjects as it relates to cybersecurity, private and public sector roles and responsibilities, and even managing cybersecurity for organizations with a huge global reach operating in multiple countries.
Why are CISOs constrained from delivering metrics at scale and why is producing good security metrics so difficult? Here, find out what the five stages of security metrics maturity are, and how you can achieve a mature security metrics program.
At NRF Protect this morning, loss prevention professionals discuss their tactics regarding COVID-19 response and the role of their departments in the organization.
On its third day, GSX+ kicked off with a keynote address on Military & Law Enforcement Appreciation Day by General Stanley McChrystal, former commander of U.S. and International forces in Afghanistan and best-selling author of Team of Teams: New Rules of Engagement for a Complex World.
The International Association of Behaviour Detection & Analysis has been formed to create a professional body to recognize and advance standards in the industry.
The 2020 Cybersecurity Perception Study finds most people still don’t view cybersecurity as a career field for themselves, even as nearly one-third (29%) of respondents say they are considering a career change.
Georgia Tech will pull together computer scientists and engineers with business expertise, policy scholars, and behaviorists to launch a new School of Cybersecurity and Privacy.
As documented in Dirceu Santa Rosa’s article for the IAPP’s Privacy Tracker, efforts to delay the effective date of Brazil’s General Data Protection Law – Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados or LGPD – recently failed, and the law is expected to go into force in the coming days. Brazil’s federal government also published a decree approving the regulatory structure of the Autoridade Nacional de Proteção de Dados, i.e., Brazil’s national data protection authority.