The latest buzzword these days is “Resiliency,” which for all intents and purposes is really nothing more than a new term for business continuity planning (BCP) in the private sector and continuity of operations planning (COP) in the public sector.
Probably the most important first step an organization should take in developing their BCP/COP program is to conduct an inventory of all of the enterprise’s processes, assets and resources (PAR). No one has the time or resources to boil the ocean, so once the inventory has been completed, the next step involves prioritizing the PAR list from the most critical to the least important.
That’s where mass notification systems come into play, as well, as is the case with MillerCoors’ Fort Worth, Texas, brewery, which is located in Tornado Alley and sees about 25 tornadoes each year. The brewery employs 105 employees spread across 150 acres, and it brews 9 million barrels a year. It houses an on-site refrigeration system with 150,000 pounds of ammonia to assist with the brewing process.
As U.S. and Canadian businesses plan to expand their business overseas this year, supply chain failures, data breaches and political instability are weighing heavily on the minds of their executives, according to a survey.
April 30, 2014
Nearly half (45%) of the executives surveyed noted that overseas risks pose a greater threat to their company than domestic ones, while one-third (33%) reported that overseas risks are an equal threat. In addition, nearly half (48%) of the companies had experienced at least one loss related to conducting business overseas over the last three years.
The number of electrical outages affecting 50,000 or more people for at least an hour doubled during the decade up to 2012. Most of the blackouts were caused by damage to large transmission lines and substations during extreme weather events, a new analysis from nonprofit Climate Central says. Michigan has the most outages, followed by Texas, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Virginia.
A NIST report about its investigation into the 2011 Joplin tornado calls for nationally accepted standards for building design and construction, and public shelters and emergency communications to reduce deaths caused by tornadoes.
According to power management company Eaton, for the fifth year running, California topped the list of states with the most power outages, followed by Texas and Michigan.
Three-quarters of business continuity managers fear the possibility of an unplanned IT and telecoms outage, and 73 percent worry about the possibility of a cyber attack or data breach, according to the annual Business Continuity Institute (BCI) Horizon Scan.
Hospital Incident Command Systems (HICS) are a component of security and emergency management that is often overlooked in many of the disaster plans in the United States.
Counterterrorist operatives perform drills on securing and neutralizing threats at major target areas. Although this is an extremely important concept to master, often ignored is one of the most important components in community disaster preparedness: the local area hospital.
Washington state has flunked its disaster preparedness test. According to the American College of Emergency Physicians’ State-by-State Report Card, Washington state received an overall grade of “D+” and an “F” in disaster preparedness.