We arose before dawn to meet our Security Detail for the ride back to the airport. Although there appeared to be more than just a few large commercial craft parked at the gates of the International terminal, including a large 747, our selected mode of travel this morning was a C-130 managed by what‘s affectionately known as “State Air”.
The number of Private Security Companies operating in Baghdad is surprising and gives way to an appreciation of the magnitude of the mission. Meeting with all of them would have proven infeasible, so we advanced the next best thing by meeting with the President of the PSCAI (Private Security Company Association of Iraq).
Of the more than 7,000 OSAC constituent representatives, a growing number are non-governmental organizations (NGOs), faith-based institutions, or members of academia.
The interaction is very cool. I love this set up.” “Searching for vendors products was very easy and quick.” “I could quickly move from booth to booth to look for new technology.”
Those are just some of the comments from past iSecurity virtual trade shows, a free online event designed to put the information you need, the people you want to network with and the solution providers you want to hear from at your fingertips.
Canaries can have a short but significant life in a coal mine. Significant because, in their traditional role, they were used to identify the dangerous and costly fumes known as methane and carbon monoxide which could cause the loss of the business of the mine, the brand of the mine owners, and the skilled human assets of their workers.
While the Security 500 report identifies the best programs, biggest investors and brightest leaders in 16 sectors, the fact remains that all of these organizations are inextricably entwined with smaller organizations across multiple supply chains.
In the October 2009 issue of Security, leadership columnist Lance Wright reminded us of several key leadership attributes that are universally sought by successful organizations in all sectors.
Security incidents can happen anywhere in the world at any time, as evidenced by last year’s Mumbai terrorist attacks and suicide bombings, tourists killed in Mexico and of course, the events of 9/11.
Each year, Security magazine honors top security executives who positively impact the security industry, their organization, their colleagues and their peers. They change the security landscape for the better.