Bullies poison their work environment with low morale, fear, anger, gossip and depression. The employer pays for this in lost efficiency, absenteeism, high staff turnover, severance packages and lawsuits.
Workplace bullying is not a topic often explored by enterprise security professionals. However, this will likely change in the coming years, given the scope and the immensity of the problem.
Airport security personnel spend most of their time preparing for active shooter incidents, insider threats and, in concert with the federal Transportation Security Administration (TSA), potential terrorist attacks. But on January 28, many of our nation’s largest airports had to handle an entirely different, unaccustomed scenario: mass protests over immigration policy.
Since the onset of the 24-hour news cycle and the constant barrage of social media blogs, the way things are characterized seems to have evolved into creating the most sensationalized sound bite.
Within security leadership associations and meetings, key decisions are made about paths forward in the security industry, driving us to become trusted advisors, to learn about CSOs’ pain points and challenges, and to devise a more effective strategic direction for my company.