The term “spoofing” might have a comic implication in some contexts, but it’s no joke when it comes to information security. In fact, this is a subject matter of a whole separate chapter in a seasoned cybercriminal’s handbook. It comprises a multitude of techniques aimed at camouflaging a malicious actor or device as somebody or something else. Out of all the nefarious scenarios that fit the mold of a spoofing attack, the following 11 types are growingly impactful for the enterprise these days.
As COVID-19 has prompted an unprecedented number of companies and government agencies worldwide to suddenly shift to a remote-work model, uncertainties abound.
How can the modern office environment improve their operational strategy to help bolster the security of data and help employees brush up on better cybersecurity strategies? One primary method that is simple and often overlooked is two-factor authentication.
The state of Washington is one of the most affected states in the US by the coronvirus. Here we speak with Jim Sawyer, Director of Security Services at Seattle Children's Hospital, and learn how security and medical staff are handling the coronavirus epidemic.
Sporting events themselves might just be a game, but the security technology employed in and around stadiums and other venues can mean a matter of life and death.
Sporting events themselves might just be a game, but the security technology, procedures and policies that are employed in and around stadiums and other venues can mean a matter of life and death. Here are some security technologies that some vendors offer.
Recent data breach incidents that expose personally identifiable information and biometrics highlight the lack of proper authentication and storage protocols. Organizations need to implement effective storage-based strategies to protect the biometric data collected as a result of authentication. Why is data encryption the solution?
During this COVID-19 crisis, law enforcement and security personnel are not only expected to continue their usual levels of service to the public, but are also expected to assist in community and government efforts combatting the virus. It is important that law enforcement and security officers are aware of the following information: Recognition, Protection, Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) and how to Respond if Exposed.