Colonial Pipeline named Adam Tice as its first ever Chief Information Security Officer. Tice will oversee and be responsible for Colonial Pipeline's information and data security program.
Instead of focusing on preventing breaches, cybersecurity professionals should focus on improving security hygiene and resilience. More important than building up walls, organizations should prioritize minimizing costs, downtime and disruption in the case of an eventual cyberattack.
There were 1,767 publicly reported breaches in the first six months of 2021, which exposed a total of 18.8 billion records, according to a new Risk Based Security 2021 Mid Year Data Breach QuickView Report.
SecureLink and Ponemon Institute today released a new report titled “A Crisis in Third-party Remote Access Security”, revealing the alarming disconnect between an organization’s perceived third-party access threat and the security measures it employees.
Data breach and privacy incidents occur daily at organizations of all sizes. It happens all too frequently. And while it is obvious that breaches continue impacting hundreds of thousands of lives, legal and compliance teams are not always brought in to manage each breach. With increased focus from regulators and law enforcement agencies to ensure organizations fulfill their obligations for post-breach notifications, legal teams can help quickly coordinate internal processes, and take swift action to begin the process of remediating damage and initiate immediate legal steps to protect the enterprise, and comply fully with all regulatory obligations. Here, we talk to AJ Samuel, co-Founder and Chief Product Officer at Exterro, about the many benefits of retaining legal counsel, who can better protect the integrity and confidentiality of the incident response.
Access to clinical applications and medical information in a digital healthcare environment is vital. Yet, careful consideration must be made to ensure data and systems are protected against unintended or malicious activities. Securing infrastructure and applications is essential and security professionals must not forget about the devices that facilitate, segregate and protect the network.
With additional pandemic-related vulnerabilities, these preventable mistakes led to greater losses, and the resulting breaches were often wholly avoidable with simple fixes. Here are four of the most common gaps in security, the high-profile breaches they caused in 2020, and how to prevent your company from becoming the next victim.