FireEye's Mandiant® Security Effectiveness Report 2020 reveals data about how well organizations are protecting themselves against cyber threats and the overall effectiveness of their security infrastructure.
The new Panda Security Threat Insights Report 2020 compiled by PandaLabs – anti-malware laboratory and security operations center (SOC) –illuminates several emerging trends in the cybersecurity space.
ExecuPharm, a subsidiary of the U.S. Biopharmaceutical giant Parexel, has been hit by a ransomware attack according to a recent announcement made by the company.
Ransomware is costing businesses—in ransom, yes, but also in downtime, the cost of which is typically 23 times greater than the ransom requested. The attacks are affecting large organizations and cities including Atlanta and Baltimore. Cybercriminals aren’t just attacking end-users; MSPs are the latest on the hit list.
The COVID-19 pandemic has created an environment in which malicious cyber actors thrive. They are exploiting today’s uncertainty and anxiety through ransomware attacks, phishing campaigns, social engineering and financially-motivated scams. Although we are living in unprecedented times, the cyber threats we face and the malicious actors we defend against are not new. But the globe’s singular focus on COVID-19 may make us the proverbial fish in a barrel for bad actors.
To detect and contain breaches faster, it’s become increasingly important to go beyond the typical malware detection capabilities and invest in the ability to detect and react to lateral movement within the environment. Lateral movement is a core piece of an attacker’s strategy once he’s gained a foothold within the environment. What three steps can you take to help stop lateral movement focus on security measures that minimize dwell time?
Ransomware. It may be the most feared word of security and risk managers. After countless headlines and costs of over 11.5 billion dollars in 2019 alone, organizations around the world are understandably terrified of being hit by a ransomware attack. What are four steps you can take to protect against ransomware?