The choices you make when a cyberattack happens are critical. They can either mitigate the damage or make it worse. Even those companies that have built robust defenses miss an important step: a comprehensive response plan that will guide them in the event of a breach. So, what steps can you take to ensure business resilience and continuity?
According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the average cost of damage from a winter storm is $3 billion, inclusive of business interruptions. And with no control over Mother Nature, organizations are left to figure out how they can best minimize damage from adverse weather.
Even though more than half of Americans have been impacted by a natural disaster and understand the risks they face, many have not taken basic precautions to protect themselves and their property from danger and damage.
During the past decade, enterprise resilience has become a hot topic.
July 1, 2013
During the past decade, enterprise resilience has become a hot topic. Its meaning has grown from the original “business continuity and disaster recovery” moniker associated with IT data crashes.