It's time for leaders to stand up and start to make positive changes as it pertains to school security and safety. Consider 11 best practices to build a comprehensive foundation for school security and safety.
Technology alone will not solve school attacks — it should be used as a tool to enhance school security programs, along with security by design changes, which can be highly effective and more affordable than state-of-the-art security solutions.
Due to recent mass shootings and other tragic events, DHS has issued a national terrorism alert and expects the threat environment to become more dynamic.
School administrators, staff, and local emergency responders must complete a thorough risk assessment and all-hazards assessment of schools and their campuses.
The latest Security podcast features Dr. Marisa Randazzo, Executive Director at the Ontic Center of Excellence, who discusses the rise of school shootings over the years, as well as security lessons learned and strategies for violence prevention.