The hospitality industry is fighting to eliminate the issue of magstripe keycards being demagnetized by cell phones and other electronics, and many companies are solving the problem by switching over to RFID contactless locks.
Failure to maintain an egress as well as failing to protect people from smoke and fire are all too common, yet easy to discern. Better yet, all are preventable through improved staff performance or implementing affordable solutions.
Here is a list of ten typical life safety violations along with solutions that can help keep facilities safer for visitors and staff.
Pastor Darryn Scheske welcomes most everyone to his Heartland Church in Indianapolis, everyone except troublemakers. So working with a parishioner, the Church mixed tried and true with newer access technologies to make the campus safe and secure as well as caring.
The SmartKey Single Locker Module from Morse Watchmans is for safeguarding and storing small items, such as documents, CDs, weapons, cell phones and other small objects.