Registration is open for The Security Event (TSE), a U.K.-based security conference focusing on enterprise and domestic security.
This year's event will take place at the National Exhibition Centre (NEC) Birmingham from April 25-27, 2023. The event features security technology launches and exhibitions, over 50 hours of accredited continuing professional development (CPD) content, live demonstrations and workshops, and networking opportunities. Attendees are over 10,000 security end-users, installers, integrators and consultants.
TSE 2023 will include an informational track for frontline security professionals called Professional Security Officer Live, which aims to cover security guarding needs for industrial and construction sites, corporate offices, major live events, shopping centers, airports, and more, as well as spotlight technology, equipment and innovations to equip security guards and officers.

The event will also include a physical security zone, live security testing, and a number of networking receptions. The Security Event, alongside Professional Security Officer Live, is co-located with The Fire Safety Event, The Health & Safety Event, The Workplace Event and National Cyber Security Show.
Security magazine is a media partner of The Security Event 2023. For more information about the event, including registration details, click here.